New Year and Some Quirky Resolutions

Happy 2024! My partner and I spent the year-end reflecting on our year, life, and relationship. It was fun to ask each other questions while waiting in the long queue of Winter Wonderland (a Christmas fun-fair in London). You can find the questions on Jay Shetty’s podcast here. Every year, it is the same old-…

Love in Awkward Times

He had known her since childhood. Their homes were quite near to each other since years. Now, they worked at the same place. He was 27. She was 26. Both of them were among the most good looking singles in their community. Now it had been months since she was trying to express her feelings…

Mini Stories: The Best of He and She

Keeping aside all the serious shit that I write, I’ve written a lot of couplets called ‘he and she’ over the years. These are just fictional but relatable conversations between two people. These are all different characters, different people going through different situations. They don’t have a context and don’t mean to generalise. Think of…

Save the Romeo, the Majnu and the Krishna

Love is against Indian culture suddenly. Eve-teasing, Molestation and rape aren’t but two consenting adults falling in love is suddenly a national issue to be solved. Love is a problem. Like Trump’s MakeAmericaGreatAgain, Uttar Pradesh CM, Yogi Adityanath on his on-the-job-training has begun his magic tricks to make UP safe again. What has followed is…

What If

What is with the urge Of that one last meeting Before you leave Even it is for coming back And what if you don’t? But I know you would And it’s not like I’d come to drop you To the airport or the train station I am bad at saying goodbyes.. That will be unnecessary…

The Other Angle: “How To Care”

“My Grandpa passed away last week.” “Oh, I am so sorry, what happened?” “He had lung cancer.” “Oh really! O my god, this is shocking! But he never smoked! Didn’t he always workout, had a healthy diet and was so sporty…How come!!!” A Guide for Dummies: How to Care When They Are in a Low…

Lust for Life | Irving Stone | Vincent Van Gogh’s Bio: Book Review

Book reviews can be really complicated or the simplest of all. They are simple because you just have to say how it felt. Complicated because a person can only give their opinion or how they felt about a book, generalizations generally don’t serve the purpose. Also, most classic books have plenty of book reviews already…

The Mid-July Love (A Poem)

The numbness  From his love  Like a December night Except that it was Most certainly mid-July  With no rains yet. 

An Open Letter to Indian Daughters (like me)

Dear Daughters like me, Although this post might look a little contradictory to my feminism-freedom-rebel saga, I see a thin line of difference here. I decided I wanted to tell you this because it took me a great time to realize this and it is necessary for all of us to unite on this. With…